In this episode, host Todd Broadbent of Toddcast Teacher Podcast asks about the importance of family engagement, ideas for parents & teachers in how to nurture this connection, as well as some fun background on founder Kelly Chislett. Listen to the end for a discount code to use & share with friends.
Questions covered include:
Why did you become a teacher?
What were you like as a student?
What would you tell your younger teacher self?
Did you have a teacher throughout your schooling that inspired you?
What has it been like building something from scratch?
What has been your greatest challenge as a teacher?
What motivates parents to be engaged?
What are some of your top tips and ideas to support parents in getting their child reading at home?
Key terminology:
AITSL (Australian Institute for Teaching & School Leadership Limited)
CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words
Twice Exceptional
Notable mentions:
Harvard Online, ‘Introduction to Family Engagement in Education’ course
Great Book Swap, Indigenous Literacy Foundation
Seven Australia teaching Standards
Founder of Common Reader®, Kelly Chislett, spoke with hosts James Gray & Rebecca West of Teacher Takeaway Podcast about the importance of the school/home partnership in relation to reading. Targeted to teachers but still of interest to parents in the first few years of primary school.
Questions covered include:
What is Common Reader? Why was Common Reader created?
What do teachers need to know about engaging parents to help with home reading?
What does the field of education know about school/home partnerships in relation to learning to read?
What common misconceptions or assumptions are made by parents or teachers regarding home reading practice?
How can teachers best inform parents in order for home reading practice to be maximised?
Key terminology:
Parent efficacy
Fictive kin
Notable mentions:
Harvard Online course ‘Introduction to Family Engagement in Education’
Meta-analysis - Anne Henderson & Karen Mapp, (2002) ‘A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family & Community Connections on Student Achievements’
Study - ‘Parenting Today in Victoria’, (2022), Parenting Research Centre, involving over 2,500+ Victorian parents of children, from 0-18 years of age