Membership Summary
Membership Summary •
Common Reader® offers a variety of tips for parents to learn more about helping their kiddo to read. We believe in the age old Kindergarten saying, ‘sharing is caring’ so we have a Freebie Membership available to all.
ready to see the menu?
In addition to the free member area, Common Reader® offers a subscription based membership filled with engaging & up to date support. See details of what’s included below to find the best resource for your family.
Video Library.
Over 42 minutes of entertaining & digestible information sliced up into seven portions you can watch over & again. Filled with educationally backed tips & knowledge to support your kiddo with their Home Readers.
Helpful Book Lists.
Often one Home Reader sent home from school isn’t enough. Members have access to multiple book lists tailored to suit a range of abilities, interests & areas of need. Pass this list to your local librarian or bookshop for easy access.
Literacy Games.
Simple to set up, free to access literacy games that can be used again & again with your kiddo as they learn to read. Teacher recommended ideas for parents to play these as a complement to regular home reading.
Multiple PDF files for you to print & use at home to enhance your confidence. Highly valuable resources such as CVC Word Lists, Reading Correlation Chart & Phonics Progression information.
In Real Life.
This section gives you tips on how to squeeze the most out of the books your kiddo reads, the literacy games they play, & basically just how to sprinkle secret teacher dust to boost real life experiences.
Motivation Ideas.
How can you help your kiddo to want to choose to do their reader each day? Find ways around this common experience & ideas to try which can reinvigorate that spark right here.
Book List.
A teacher designed recommended book list, with access to the full library of multiple lists available in the Essentials membership.
Multiple videos about learning to read & access to the full first episode from the Essentials video library.
Good Buys.
Teacher recommendations, none sponsored, that are known to boost reading skills at home.
reading differences.
Key questions about dyslexia answered to support parents understand reading differences.
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