what actually matters.

“Xander is up to level seven already.”

“Kalli has read all the Billy B Brown books.”

“We do 30 minutes of reading every night together.”

Reading at home. It can sound like a competition. So what actually matters?

Accuracy? Sure, it is important to read each word accurately. However, I have reason to believe that picking up a university level physics book could be accurately read by most adults. Would they understand the content though?

Level? Yes, keeping up the level of Reader to a stage that is developmentally appropriate is a good goal. However, progress up the levels can happen at a variety of speeds. Comparing your level of reader to another is incredibly unhelpful. The level is but a number & should never be the yard stick to measure reading capacity.

Time? Okay, I would advocate the more reading the merrier. But it’s not a merry time for some. So I would also advocate for shorter periods of engaged & happy reading time. Quality; not quantity. Calm & joyful; not drawn out & painful.

So what actually matters? When it comes to reading at home, could it be the simple act of being together? Is it simply the time discovering something new? Can we not simply enjoying listening to a child as they progress through the process of learning to read?

Appreciate the little things. They are there. Your child will see themselves as a confident reader if you talk about them as a confident reader. Go on, you know it matters.


Not Actually for babies.


Why common Reader?