Common Reader

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What The Eff?

Catchy title, but more importantly, it reflects something parents have control over at home. Naturally, it takes engaged parents to support high achievement in reading, but it also requires a high level of parent efficacy.

So, what the eff is efficacy? Efficacy is an essential additive IMO. It’s a parent’s feeling of success & confidence in guiding their children to do well in school. I mean, how do you feel within yourself about the knowledge & capacity you have to influence your kiddo’s reading abilities? It’s no use in wanting to help but not, all because you’re not confident in your ability. Do not underestimate your capacity!

Wondering how to enhance your efficacy? Strengthen & build your knowledge of reading through open communication with your classroom. Offer to help in the classroom or at literacy events. Ask for information packets, games, questions, resources or anything your school can provide. If they don’t or can’t, then you’re already here at Common Reader, a great place to find the tools you need to boost your efficacy.

It’s the effing best.

Listen to our Podcast which stretches this concept out more.